
MJ PICT officielle 2016 - copie site wWelcome to my website; it is my pleasure to introduce you to the different aspects of my professional activities.

First, a bit about myself: My father was an engineer and my mother an artist; my inheritance from them are grounded feet and a visionary head. My task is to fully inhabit the space between the two. On the physical plane, the organization of flesh and bones, physical sensations and what they reveal; and, on the more ethereal one, the mysterious depths of psyche. The work of a lifetime!

And since we can best guide others through territories we have thoroughly explored, the services I offer are all grounded in the body, the doors that greater corporeal awareness opens, the incarnation of Soul.

My skills are interconnected and mutually enhancing. All draw on the resources I have developed over many years of study, training, practice, exploration and work.

I hope you enjoy learning more about each area of my practice. Also, to gain a broader understanding of the vision behind my approach, I invite you to read the articles I have written (dropdown menu on the right).

Enjoy reading!

Degrees :

– Baccalauréat es arts in French Litterature (1981 – Laval University)

– Certified Rolfer (1985 – http://www.rolf.org/)

– Advanced Certified Rolfer (1989 – http://www.rolf.org/)

– Certified Rolf Movement Practitionner (2002 – http://www.rolf.org/)

– Certified celebrant and ritual maker (2008 – http://www.horites.com/)

– Certified Medium (2010 – http://www.formationenmediumnite.com/formation.html)

Independent Study :

– Faculty of journalism (1977-78, Strasbourg University, France – full time)

– Boulder School of Massage Therapy (1983-84 – Full time)

– Fine Arts (1986-1988, CEGEP Ste-Foy – part time)

Selected Other Trainings, Courses, Workshops :

(Here are mentioned only those  which I pursued more diligently)

– Yoga (since 1981 / various approaches)

– Ki-Aïkido (1983-87 / brown belt)

– Continuing education in Rolfing® (since 1986… To this day!)

– Theatre and Improv

– Choir singing, Voice Work, Vocal Improv

– Family Constellations workshops

– Circle of Presence

– Shamanic work (Vision Quests, Sweat Lodges, Seasonal Rites, Drumming Circles, etc.)

– 5 Rhythms (dance & movement : http://www.5rhythms.com)

Additional Relevant Work Experiences :

– Teacher’s assistant (1996, Rolf Institute)

– Written papers evaluator (1997-99, Rolf Institute)

– Paule Lebrun’s assistant (1995-2006, Ho Rites)

– Training Consultant and Student’s Coach (2006-10, Ho Rites)

– Mentor for students (2013-14, Rolf Institute)

– Rolfing Association of Canada board member (01-2015 to 10-2017)

I also bike, canoe, swim, hike and snowshoe, according to the seasons. As I grow older, walking in Nature becomes a contemplation, each time an opportunity of deep presence to our World’s beauty…